Tag: la bestia

Migrant Caravan

In the recent weeks, the migrant caravans from the Central America, through Mexico, to the United States border, have received significant media attention. The exodus from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador isn’t new, but traveling in groups this large is a more recent phenomenon. The migrants are fleeing extreme poverty and violence in their home…

By admin November 28, 2018 29

En el camino…On their way

Each person that passes through the doors of the FM4 is received as a part of the family “in the house that keeps dreams alive” and is treated with respect and dignity. With over 5,000 migrants and refugees passing through our house each year, I want to share with you all a part of their…

By admin June 29, 2018 0

24 Hours at the FM4

(Originally posted February 2017) The FM4 has been a place continual change. In the past year of volunteering at the migrant shelter, I’ve seen the place transform into a 24-hour facility serving the needs of migrants in transit and refugees. I love being a part of the family of volunteers and staff that makes this…

By admin June 29, 2018 0

FM4 Paso Libre

(Originally posted June 2016)   Since February, I’ve been volunteering with a grassroots project that supports migrants coming through Guadalajara, called FM4 Paso libre, officially known as Dignidad y justicia en el camino, A.C. The organization provides humanitarian aid, along with legal and psychological accompaniment, to ensure the human rights of migrants. The journey migrants…

By admin June 28, 2018 0