Nonstop Mexico City
I’ve traveled to Mexico City before, a few times over the last decade. So I had already visited some of the big travel musts, like the Anthropology Museum and the Pyramids of Teotihuacan. I’ve been living in Guadalajara for more than three years now and I didn’t have to time until this Thanksgiving break to…
Travels through Cuba
(Originally posted June 2017) Arriving in La Habana Cuba is a complex place. Three years ago I visited Cuba for ten days with an educators delegation with Witness for Peace. This time, I spent two weeks traveling around with friends and a backpack, with fewer government restrictions and more choice in our itinerary and explorations.…
Reflections on Cuba
(Originally posted June 2014) So, how was your trip? After several years of writing these post-trip updates for my friends and family, this has been one of the most challenging experiences to summarize. While participating in the Witness for Peace Education Delegation allowed me to visit Cuba, opened doors to speak with a variety…
Adventures in Panama
(Originally posted July 2013) Panamá City Our adventure started as we exited the airplane in Panamá City. Debbie and I had flown together from Minneapolis and Olivia arrived separately from Madison. We found her waving excitedly as we exited the walkway. Together we breezed through immigration and customs and onward to Panamá City. Our female…
Andando en Antigua y Atitlán, Guatemala
(Originally posted June 2012) Stepping of the bus in Antigua, the hum of Latin America welcomes me back, despite Guatemala being a new stamp for my passport. The sound of chicken buses chugging up the hills, blaring horns and music spilling out of windows. The sound of motorcycles skipping around vehicles, pedestrians and stray dogs.…
Venezuela – Part Two
(Originally posted August 2010) Greeting from the Houston International Airport where I am sitting out a five hour layover waiting for the last leg of the journey back to Minneapolis. I’m currently enjoying a full size cup of coffee rather than the shot glass sized plastic cups I’ve been downing the past few weeks.…
Venezuela – Part One
(Originally posted August 2010) After a week of being back in Mérida, I’m settling into the routine and rhythm of a place that feels like home. It’s been four years since I’ve eaten arepa, stared out the bus window at the enormous Andes mountains or had café con leche with my Venezuelan family and…
Nicaragua – Week Three and Four
(Originally posted August, 2009) Things have gotten busy and I’ve neglected my weekly updates. In Granada I’ve been busy with the preschoolers and workshops at Los Caracolitos. I’ve made two trips to Jinotega and spent a weekend in Costa Rica with Maria. Around Granada we drove up to Catarina el mirador to see…
Nicaragua – Week Two
(Originally posted July, 2009) This week my projects are in full swing and I’m working hard to fit as much in during the time I have here in Nicaragua. I’m running several groups out of a small community center about a thirty minute walk from where I’m staying. Henry, the doctor who runs the…
Nicaragua – Week One
(Originally posted July 2009) Hello! Melony and I arrived in Nicaragua one week ago and have been having a great time since the plane landed in Managua. We’ve learned our way around Granada and are getting used to eating rice and beans at each meal. Melony has started her Spanish classes and I’m…