November Update
(Originally posted December 2016)
Last week I visited Minneapolis and Madison on our November break. We had the whole week off of school because the US’s Thanksgiving holiday coincided with Mexico’s Día de la Revolución, the perks of working at an international school.
Arriving in Minneapolis, Rachel scooped me up at the airport and we enjoyed our favorite hang out of pizza, diet coke and catching up. Over the week I spent many hours sipping hot tea on the couch, laughing with the roomies (and “extended roommates”), bundling up for walks around Lake of the Isles and repeated visits to Roat Osha. With the mild winter days, we even wandered down to Minnehaha Falls and walked along the creek. As always I loved seeing everyone’s children growing up. My college drinking buddies have turned into some badass parents. I caught up with so many dear friends; the type where you don’t miss a beat, no matter how infrequently you are together. It’s beautiful to see how our lives change and still stay the same.
One highlight of the visit was spending the day at Green Central. Walking the halls early in the morning, I recalled my eight years of working, practically living at school, with the Green kids and staff. My babies are all grown up, now in 4th grade. I enjoyed spending time in their classes, still feeling such a strong connection to them even after being away. I was able give Lizz a hand with the Thanksgiving feast, which will forever also be known as the Rooster Party. My heart felt full visiting school, seeing all the dedicated staff and students, and I wish them strength and patience in all the pressure they face in the education system these days, especially in the wake of the election. My heart will forever be Green.
I also spent a quick two days in Madison for the actual Thanksgiving Day. The megabus is a pretty sweet set up, especially when you have kind friends and family to meet you at the ends. I was able to spend time with my parents and family friends for a feast, with extra mashed potatoes. Ellen drove in from Milwaukee and we spent the lovely night with Sara and Terry, another pair of badass parents.
Over the break, I shared with friends and family that I have decided to extend my contact in Guadalajara for a third year, potentially more. While I miss life back home, I feel right about staying here longer.
In the past year and a half at ASFG, I have discovered a work/life balance that wasn’t achievable in Minneapolis. I love teaching and can’t imagine a different career, however I also have discovered the delight of completing the workday while it’s still light out. I enjoy working out, reading more, being outside, traveling and spending more time with friends.
I also continue to volunteer on the weekends with the FM4 Paso Libre and love the work supporting migrants passing through our community. And truly, the climate is another real factor. It’s no secret how I feel about winter.
In the Thanksgiving spirit, I am so fortunate to be surrounded with such wonderful people, both near and far. I appreciate such true friendships that remain strong with time and distance. I feel so lucky to have so many incredible people in my life. Thank you all.